Our Founder

picture of Montana Houston, our founder

Growing up with a name synonymous with two locations, Montana Houston often thought about the world and her place in it. Encouraged by her family to be the first to graduate college (then become a lawyer, but that's another story), Montana began many of the new experiences that came with attending undergrad and starting her professional career, but with the added challenge of not having immediate and personal reference points for guidance.

Montana leaned into community – joining and contributing to groups to share information, inspire, and vent when necessary. Realizing that knowledge and community exchange was happening in a silo, and wanting to make the learning curve to life that she and others experience obsolete, Montana founded rYOUminate: a digital media company for young adults to navigate life milestones, grounded in research and reflection.

As funny as the memes are about regret over not buying a house when we were born, or sleep being the best vacation, they're funny because they're true. There is a silent struggle with growing up, but Montana envisions a world where growing pains don't have to be painful, where our shared knowledge elevates everyone to be able to take care of themselves without the struggle. Where they can live the life they want before retirement age. Where they can survive AND thrive.

rYOUminate is that dream in action.

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